Donating Online is EASY and SAFE!

Click the button below to donate now (it will open a new window)

What is the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit?

You can donate any amount. If you have already donated during the year it will count towards the tax credit. The maximum credit allowed is $841 if filing married, and $441 if filing single.

As an Arizona taxpayer, you can receive a tax credit – not merely a deduction, of $841 if married filing jointly, and up to $441 for single filing. This year the amounts have doubled! They used to be $400 and $200. You can take advantage of this credit when you make a qualified charitable contribution to Crossroads Mission!
This tax credit is separate from the Public and Private School Tax Credit. This is the Helping the Working Poor Fund that was established to provide services for employed families struggling to make ends meet.

Donate online today!

Subscribe to Monthly Donations!

When you subscribe to monthly donations you will have the convenience of having your donation taken out of your preferred method of payment each month. You don’t have to send in a donation card or repeat the online donation steps each time you want to donate. Plus, you allow us to plan our expenses better, knowing that you are committed to helping us help them!

Together we can make a difference!

What About Paypal?

As of June 2018, we upgraded our online payment processing to Donor Perfect WebLink. If you have previously submitted a donation using Paypal and would prefer to continue using Paypal you can still do so. Our nonprofit account is still open with Paypal and we would receive your donation as usual. Simply use the Donate button below.

Why Use Donor Perfect?

This method is compatible with our tracking software and would help us streamline the process of gift processing. We encourage you to give your contribution using the Donor Perfect WebLink by using the button below. 
We really appreciate you! You are our partner in ministry and we simply wouldn’t be able to continue helping the poor without your support. Let us know if you have any questions – we’ll be happy to help!

Make a One-Time, or Monthly Donation to Help Support All Programs, Services, and Operations.

General donations help with everyday operating expenses. These donations are used throughout the year in programs like shelters and meals.
At Crossroads Mission, administrative costs are kept to a low of 3.5%. We value your donations and we promise to be good stewards of every single penny we receive.

Consider adding Crossroads Mission to your testament or last will!

For more information:

Azucena Solorzano

Marketing & Development Director

(928) 328 – 8013