Visit 2nd Chance Thrift Store!
550 W 8th Street
Open Monday to Saturday
8 AM to 4 PM
(928) 726-0491

100% of all profits provide support to the programs and services for men, women and children who seek help from Crossroads Mission.

Store Calendar

Did you know?

We are able to provide a free complete change of clothes every third day to the homeless. Also, to the individuals and families that have completed their goals here at Crossroads and are now moving into their own house, we give furniture and household items.

Your Donations Make a Difference!

When you donate to Crossroads Mission 2nd Chance store you are helping hundreds of hungry, homeless, and needy people in Yuma. When it comes time to eliminate clutter, clean closets, or simply make room for new things, think of Crossroads. We'll pick up your donations free of charge. All donations are tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt to use when filing your taxes.

Consider donating the following gently used items:

Vehicles / Boats / Motorhomes / Motorcycles - in working condition
Bicycles and bicycle parts
Furniture - house and office
Electronics - televisions, DVD players, stereos, video games, music instruments, etc.
Appliances - in working condition
Miscellaneous household items: lamps, dishes, linens, etc.
Clothing and shoes
Books and movies
Collectible items, antiques